The Governing Body of Mickley First School are a group of appointed volunteers who each have their own skills and strengths. We meet regularly and comprise representatives of staff, parents, and the Trust.

Mickley First School is a small school with big ambitions – and the Governing Body are committed to supporting the school’s culture, values and ethos in equipping Children with independence, a love of learning and the confidence to succeed.

Our role is to be accountable for the performance of the school to the Trust board in setting the aims of Mickley First School and evaluating its priorities for improvement. We work with the Headteacher and staff to assess the effectiveness and quality of teaching with an emphasis on the personal development, behaviour and welfare of our children.

Our culture of learning, friendship, teamwork and community is embedded within the learning environment of Mickley First School as we endeavour to ensure everyone has the best opportunities and reaches their full potential.

As Governors, we want to ensure open communication with our parents and we aim to make parents feel welcome at all times in our school. We welcome any interest in the work of the Governing Body – and feedback is always welcomed. If you would like to find out more about what we do, please do not hesitate to contact me, another member of the Governing Body or member of staff for further information.

Ms Catherine Walker
Governor – Chair

Mrs Kathy Allan
Trust Governor – Vice Chair

Mrs Jo Robinson
Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Sally Leat
Trust Governor

Ms Amy Doguid
Parent Governor

Mr Andy Hudson

Mrs Llyneth Ward
Deputy Headteacher
Staff Governor

Guidance on the School Governance (Collaboration)
Code of Conduct for Cheviot Learning Trust Members, Trustees and Governors