Physical Education Curriculum Intent
At Mickley and Ovingham First Schools, Physical Education is an integral part within our curriculum. Our whole school aim is to provide a comprehensive PE curriculum which provides pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding to enjoy and participate in a range of sports but also encourages pupils to live balanced and active lifestyles.
Our curriculum is inclusive so that all pupils participate and enjoy the sessions. We focus on offering a range of experiences both competitive and non- competitive and work towards active playtimes with additional equipment being available to children.
Our PE is delivered by an external coach from Newcastle United Foundation and supplemented with dance/gymnastic specialists. Our additional PE session during the week is performed by school staff who have been trained to deliver high quality PE and follows the National Curriculum. As well as children in Y3 and Y4 going swimming for a term in the year.
We have extra-curricular opportunities such as clubs and visitors to ensure pupils receive further opportunities to develop outside of school and gain an understanding of professional sports people.
Long Term Plan